List in HTML: A Complete Introduction

List in HTML: A Complete Introduction

In this HTML tutorial, we will discuss the HTML list. HTML lists are a part of web development and are used to display records. 


There are three types of lists in HTML, so let's look at them one by one.

Unordered Lists (<ul>)

An unordered list (UL) is a list in HTML that displays items without any specific order. Items are shown with bullets. Unorderlist is used when the records need to be displayed as a simple list without numbers or letters.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>HTML Tutorial</title>
            <li>Name: Jhon Deo</li>
            <li>Experience: 2.2 years in Laravel</li>
            <li>Skills: jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Laravel</li>
            <li>Location: New York, United State</li>
            <li>Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science, Certification in Web Development</li>
            <li>Projects: Online Shopping Portal, Inventory Management System, Blogging Platform </li>
            <li>Interests: Web Development, Learning New Technologies, Reading Tech Blogs</li>


Ordered Lists (<ol>)

As the name of this list suggests, records are displayed in a specific order. In this list, records are shown with serial numbers.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>HTML Tutorial</title>
                background: aliceblue;
            <li>Name: John Doe</li>
            <li>Experience: 3 years in Full Stack Development</li>
            <li>Skills: React, Node.js, SQL</li>
            <li>Location: New York, USA</li>
            <li>Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science, Master's in Software Engineering</li>
            <li>Projects: E-commerce Website, Real-time Chat Application, Content Management System</li>
            <li>Interests: Coding, Open Source Contribution, Reading Tech Books</li>
          <ol type="A">
            <li>Name: Jane Smith</li>
            <li>Experience: 5 years in UI/UX Design</li>
            <li>Skills: Adobe XD, Sketch, HTML & CSS</li>
            <li>Location: San Francisco, USA</li>
            <li>Education: Bachelor's in Graphic Design, Certification in Human-Computer Interaction</li>
            <li>Projects: Mobile App Design, Website Redesign, User Experience Research</li>
            <li>Interests: Design Thinking, Photography, Traveling</li>


Note:- We can convert serial numbers to alphabetic characters (capital and small letters), Roman letters, etc. You can see this in the below image.


Definition Lists (<dl>)

A definition list (<dl>) is a list in HTML that is used to define terms and their definitions. The list contains each term (<dt>) along with its description (<dd>).

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>HTML Tutorial</title>
                background: aliceblue;
            <dd>John Doe</dd>
            <dd>3 years in Full Stack Development</dd>
            <dd>React, Node.js, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript</dd>
            <dd>New York, USA</dd>
            <dd>Bachelor's in Computer Science, Master's in Software Engineering</dd>
            <dd>E-commerce Website, Real-time Chat Application, Content Management System</dd>
            <dd>Coding, Reading Tech Books, Open Source Contribution</dd>
            <dd>Jane Smith</dd>
            <dd>5 years in UI/UX Design</dd>
            <dd>Adobe XD, Sketch, HTML & CSS</dd>
            <dd>San Francisco, USA</dd>
            <dd>Bachelor's in Graphic Design, Certification in Human-Computer Interaction</dd>
            <dd>Mobile App Design, Website Redesign, User Experience Research</dd>
            <dd>Design Thinking, Photography, Traveling</dd>


Nested Order List

We nested the order list we allowed so we could create the list in the list, We can create the same work with a definition list and an unordered list.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>HTML Tutorial</title>
                background: aliceblue;
            <li>Project Overview
                    <li>Phase 1: Research</li>
                    <li>Phase 2: Design</li>
                    <li>Phase 3: Development
                    <li>Phase 4: Deployment</li>
                <li>Team Members
                    <li>Project Manager</li>
                    <li>Lead Developer</li>
                    <li>UI/UX Designer
                        <li>Design Lead</li>
                        <li>Junior Designer</li>
                    <li>Quality Assurance</li>
                <li>Initial Costs</li>
                <li>Operational Costs</li>
                <li>Contingency Fund</li>
                <li>Kickoff Meeting</li>
                <li>Completion of Design Phase</li>
                <li>Alpha Release</li>
                <li>Beta Testing</li>
                <li>Final Release</li>



With the help of the HTML list, you can display records in proper ways. 

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