HTML Tutorial: Introduction of the Form Tag

HTML Tutorial: Introduction of the Form Tag

In this HTML tutorial, we will discuss the HTML From tag. Let's see what is the HTML Form tag and how to use the HTML Form Tag.


What is an HTML Form

HTML form tags are the basic part of web development that allows the user to fill in the details according to the form requirement. With the help of this form, we can create different types the forms like "Login Form", "Registration Form", "Contact Form", and "Feedback Form", and add multiple types of input according to the form requirements.

In the form, we can use multiple types of input like "text", "email", "file", "date" etc. These input fields are used according to the form requirements. let's see the basic structure of the HTML form.

Explanation of the code

<form>:- This is the starting point of the HTML form. we can also say this opening tag of the HTML form Some attributes are also added in this tag of the form like "action", "method", "class", "id", "enctype". "action" and "method" attributes are mandatory in HTML <form> tag.

action attribute:- In this attribute, we add the URL where we write the functionality after submitting the form.

method attribute:- In this attribute, we add two values. These values ​​are “get” and “post”.

enctype:- This attribute is an optional attribute. When we send any file, images, etc so we add this attribute in the form opening tag. 

Input Fields:- I have added two input fields which are "text" and "password". Username and password can be entered in this field.

Submit Button:- The form contains a submit button (<input> with type="submit") which when clicked, sends the form data to the server for processing. The value of the submit button is "submit", which will appear on the button.

List of the Input Type

Type Description Basic Definition
button Represents a button with no default behavior. <input type="button" />
checkbox Renders a checkbox that can be checked, unchecked, or indeterminate. <input type="checkbox" />
color Renders a color picker or a text box for entering color codes. <input type="color" />
date Control for entering a date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD. <input type="date" />
datetime-local Control for selecting or entering a date and time. <input type="datetime-local" />
email Renders a control for email address entries, with format validation. <input type="email" />
file Allows file upload from local storage. <input type="file" />
hidden Hidden control with no visual representation, but the value is submitted. <input type="hidden" />
image Represents a button with an image as its value. <input type="image" />
month Control for entering a date in the format: YYYY-MM. <input type="month" />
number Control that allows number entries, including validation. <input type="number" />
password Renders a text field for password entries, obscuring the input. <input type="password" />
radio Control for selecting a single option in a group. <input type="radio" />
range Represents a slider control with a predefined range. <input type="range" />
reset Button that resets form values to their initial state. <input type="reset" />
search Optimized text field for search queries. <input type="search" />
submit Button with default behavior of submitting a form. <input type="submit" />
tel Text field optimized for telephone number entries. <input type="tel" />
text Basic single-line text field. <input type="text" />
time Control for entering time, often in the format: hh:mm:ss. <input type="time" />
url Text field optimized for URL entries, with validation. <input type="url" />
week Control for entering a week, typically in the format: yyyy-Www. <input type="week" />
progress Represents the progress of a task, shown as a progress bar. <progress value="70" max="100">70%</progress>

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