Introduction of HTML - RAYS CODING

Introduction of HTML - RAYS CODING

This article is the beginning of learning HTML language so first of all in this article we talk about the introduction of HTML
In this article, we learn "What is HTML", and "Basic syntax" with an explanation.

What is HTML

We all know that HTML is the foundation of web development. HTML is a  "Markup" language and the full name is "Hypertext Markup Language". 

Hyper Text:- HyperText is essentially "Text Inside Text." It refers to a piece of text that contains a link, making it a hypertext. When you navigate to a new webpage by clicking on a link, you've interacted with a hypertext. HyperText serves as a method to connect two or more web pages (HTML documents) together.

Markup language:- A markup language is a type of computer language designed for adding layout and formatting rules to a document. This language enhances the interactivity and dynamism of text. It has the capability to transform text into various elements such as images, tables, and links.

Brief History of HTML:- HTML was first created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. Berners-Lee was a British scientist who developed HTML to share documents and information on the Internet. The first version of HTML was quite simple, containing only 18 tags. Over the years, HTML has evolved significantly, with new versions adding more features and capabilities. The latest version, HTML5, was released in October 2014 and brought numerous enhancements, including better support for multimedia and graphical content.

How HTML is Used to Structure Web Pages:- HTML uses a system of tags and attributes to structure web content. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (e.g., <tag>), and they typically come in pairs: an opening tag (<tag>) and a closing tag (</tag>). Some tags are self-closing and do not require a closing tag (e.g., <img>). HTML elements can be nested within each other to create complex structures. For example, a webpage might include a header, a main content area with text and images, and a footer. Each of these sections is defined using different HTML tags.

Basic Structure of an HTML Document3

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My First HTML Page</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="description" content="An introduction to HTML">
        <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, web development, beginner">
        <meta name="author" content="Your Name">
        <h1>Welcome to My Web Page</h1>
        <p>This is a paragraph of text on my first HTML page. HTML is easy to learn and fun to use!</p>
        <img src="example.jpg" alt="Example Image">

An explanation of an HTML document's fundamental structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>:- The <!DOCTYPE html> is the first line in an HTML document. It is not an HTML tag but an instruction to the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in. For HTML5, this declaration is simply <!DOCTYPE html>.

<html> tag:- The <html> tag is the root element of an HTML document. All other HTML elements are nested within this tag. The HTML tag tells the browser that this document is an HTML document.

<head> Tag:-  The <head> tag contains meta-data about the HTML archive, for example, its title and connections to templates or scripts. Although it does not appear directly on the page, the content contained in the head> tag is crucial to its operation. Here are a few normal components found inside the <head> tag:
    <title> Tag:- specifies the title of the web page, which appears in the title bar or tab of the browser.
    Meta tags:- Character encoding (meta charset="UTF-8">) and author information (meta name="author" content="Your Name">) are examples of HTML document metadata.

<body> Tag: The <body> tag contains the content of the HTML document that is visible to the user. This includes text, images, videos, links, and other multimedia elements.

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